Sunday, March 21, 2010

Office Exercises

Sometimes its hard to find time to workout especially if you're working in an office. You wake up in the morning, do breakfast and then its off to work, by the time you reach home  its already late in the evening or night time. So where do you find time to do workout to ensure your body is in tip top condition.

At the office of course and why not. Its a great stress reliever and energizes the body so that you'll work better and feel better throughout the day. So here is a video of some simple and quick office exercises that are great to get rid of sore muscle tension around the neck and shoulder area.

Next  here is a video of  office exercises for  the upper body, abs and lower body section to tone these areas.

I hope you enjoyed those videos. Now the trick is to actually do these quick and easy office exercises. So when you're stressed out, instead of reaching out for some comfort food, try out these simple yet effective office exercises instead to help you looking great and feeling better.
